Wednesday, April 15, 2020

15 April 2020

The team is discussing ethics.  The group will begin working on the final report and the presentation. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

April 6,2020

April 6,2020

This week, we focus on our scaling our system based on the updated parameters due to shelter in place order. The updated power requirement has increased the power required to 350 kW.
To account for this power, we increase our lithium-ion battery and supercapacitor pack. The supercapacitor pack is sized to 16 series - 4 parallel configurations. Meanwhile, the lithium-ion battery is sized to 8 modules of 6 series - 35 parallel configurations.

The PCB design has been finalized and will be uploaded to the google drive for future team use. Since fabrication is not possible this semester, we hope the future teams can continue our work.
Over the next few days, we will maximize our effort to build a larger power module in SolidWorks to house all the new components. Today, we also present our progress to the rest of the team and our advisor. The presentation can be seen below.

15 April 2020

The team is discussing ethics.  The group will begin working on the final report and the presentation.